Stanford FAST Update!
The Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation is proud to partner with FAST.
In the 2021-2022 school year, the foundation made it possible for FAST to transition back to operating fully in person. They were also able to use the donations to double the funding for student projects.
This past year in FAST, they paired 37 students from two high schools in San Jose with 56 Stanford graduate students.
Students conducted research and engineering projects based on their own curiosities.
There are two rules for FAST projects:
1) Projects must be generated by students based on their interests.
2) Projects must entail novel and original research/design.
Last year, their students were interested in:
● The effect of tea variety, glucose concentration, and tea concentration on SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast) growth during kombucha fermentation.
● Computational design and optimization of a rocket engine with dynamic nozzle for space transportation needs.
● Student opinions on policing practices and reforms.
● Experimental analysis of heat transfer in a sealed room for optimization of residential and commercial heating systems.
Program Outcomes:
After 12 sessions, 50% of students report a stronger inclination toward growth-mindset, 40% of students report stronger interest in scientific careers, and 80% of students report increased confidence in data analysis.
FAST celebrated student projects and welcomed new students at their annual symposium held on Stanford’s campus.